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10 Pieces of Advice I would Tell my Younger Self

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

I have noticed a call for me to start paying more attention inward. To notice the little things. To slow down. To find my breath. To stare at nothing listening for the sound of my own heartbeat.

Switching from consumption to reflection. With this, I thought about all the wisdom I have gained over the years and if I could go back and tell my 21-year-old self a few things, what would they be?

10 things I would tell my younger self:

1. Stop waiting to be happy.

It is NOT waiting for you after whatever milestone you are looking forward to right now. Take a look around. Use your 5 senses. There is exquisite pleasure available to you right now.

2. You are not responsible for other people’s perceptions of you-

There will always be someone who disagrees or thinks "you should _______". This will do wonders for your anxiety.

3. Learn how to feel your feelings.

Learn how to feel your feelings. I know you are set on “never let them see you sweat,” but seriously, there is literally no prize for not feeling your emotions. In fact, the opposite is true. On that note, learn how to talk about what you’re feeling, without blame. This is going to take you so far in your marriage

4. Try once, try twice-

Then sometimes the most compassionate thing you can do with something or someone that doesn’t fit; is to let go.

5. Compound interest is your friend.

Pay yourself 1st then focus on values based spending vs. retail therapy. Trust me… you end up donating most of it.

6. The key to better sex is outside the bedroom.

In your connection, your conversation, creating safety and allowing your vulnerabilities to be witnessed (I know terrifying, but trust me here)

7. You CANNOT judge or shame yourself into perfection!

The true power is in accepting & integrating all your parts vs. judging yourself for not being enough.

8. Your sexuality is a portal into the depths of who you are.

It will teach you about life, safety, surrender, trust, communication, pleasure, power, courage, bliss, the sacred. Pretty much everything you think you know about sex is a lie. Do your own research, tap into the wisdom of your body. It’s a lifelong journey.

9. Worship. Your. Pussy.

She’s not gross, smelly, less than, or embarrassing - those we’re all lies. She is a temple, a portal between this world and the Divine. Pay attention, spend time with her. Learn to approach with love, acceptance, reverence, and honor.

10. Learn how to desire your damn self.

That’s where the work is! Not in the attention or affirmation of your lovers. Not in the clothes, the shoes, the body, or trying to get others to notice you. You exist for your pleasure - not someone else’s. Learn how to turn yourself on. Make it your responsibility, no your priority. Everything will flow from here.

I am curious if any of these landed for you. If not, what wisdom would you have for your younger self. Comment below and let me know.

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