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Invested in Us:

Because your relationship is your best investment.

You're here because...

you’re exhausted from the seemingly endless cycles of fighting and making up. You want to learn how to finally stop the bickering, nitpicking, and nagging, and show up with the trust that your partner knows just how important the little things are - like the dishes, holding hands, or that hug when they come home.


you want to spend more time in the magic of loving each other & having fun together - versus just trying to survive the next week…or the next conversation.


even though you love each other so much and meant every word of your vows, lately, it hasn’t been enough, and your marriage feels like the loneliest place on the planet. 


the old ways of using 'tug-of-war' power struggles to get what you want has left you both battle-worn and scared. 


the communication in your relationship is broken, leaving you both feeling misunderstood, defensive and resentful because somehow, even the simplest conversations feel like you're walking through a minefield. 

So a lot of times, it’s easier not to talk about it. 


Maybe you're here because the word divorce has come out, but deep down inside, neither of you want that - because you both know there is still something here worth fighting for. 

How is it the people who we love the most, the same people who can leave us feeling so alone and misunderstood?

I get it. Relationships are tricky. 
My husband and I fell in love quickly; dating was easy - the engagement was a blur. Our 1st year of marriage flew by in the excitement of beginning this new chapter together. It wasn't until after the dust settled and the routine of life set in that the little things started to become big things. 
I felt lonely and rejected when he asked for space. He felt smothered by my efforts to talk and connect. We were confused and unhappy; instead of the mad love affair, full of adventure and laughter we had both promised each other on our wedding day... it felt like our connection was slowly withering and our sex life was suffering.


The same fights would erupt over and over, and even though we loved each other so much, we couldn't help but think maybe we had made a mistake. These cycles of fighting and making up were wearing us thin. Something had to change - now.
I decided to learn everything I could about relationships what we can change, and what we can't change. I invested, learned, and decided (over and over again) to keep returning to what was true. Armed with the knowledge of why I was the way I was and what I really wanted in the relationship. I could let go of all the thoughts and behaviors that weren't serving me. 

I watched as my relationship transformed right before my eyes. It went from hard, effortful, sometimes triggering - to easy, calm, safe & secure. 
This is precisely why I created Invested in Us - to teach lovers how to love each other in a way that feels like magic to every piece of your being. I aim to make those vows you took come true... yes, forever. 

I want to redefine the success of a relationship from "how long it lasts..." 

To how deeply you loved, how safe and secure you made each other feel, and how often you take each other's breath away. 

"When we started working with Katie, I was resentful and he was defensive about what felt like... well, everything. I wanted more from him and all he could say was, “I’m not good at emotions.”  We loved each other, but we couldn't communicate. Sometimes, being in the same room together felt hard, and we started drifting apart. Working with Katie helped us do was learn how to feel our emotions and talk to each other in a way that ACTUALLY worked for both of us (not just one), from there everything started to change. Now, we're the best we've ever been.” 

Holding Hands

This is for you if...

You want the kind of relationship that will have everyone around you asking what kinda drugs you’re on, because you two are so in love.

You want to feel confident talking about anything and everything with each other. Yes, even the hard stuff like feelings, money, or sex because deep down you know that’s how you grow a lifetime together.

You know there’s still love here, and you're ready to take responsibility for it. You are both ready to ditch your old ways of being in a relationship - letting the fear of being left or rejected, the fear of losing your independence. 

You know that when you think back to these years of your life you want to remember the love, the laughter - how it felt to hold each other and relax. 

You want the magic back! You want to be able to see your partner without jealousy or resentment, and support each other through the bad without it turning into a victim-fest.

You are ready to realize all the dreams you had when you initially got together - whether that was traveling the world, raising a family, or growing old together... you're in it for the long haul.

You will learn

How to make your relationship stop feeling like so much f*@&n' work. 

Yes, even if you're thinking that you're too far gone, or you're not sure that what you have can be saved. 


Hi, I'm Katie.
Your Relationship
Fairy Godmother. 

I help couples find their "happily ever after" without the magic wand.
It breaks my heart when I see people who love each other get stuck in cycles of drama, having the same fights over and over because they didn't have a healthy, secure, loving, intimate relationship modeled for them. So parts of them feel like they have to fight, fawn, or do it all themselves to meet their needs. 
I am a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and a Certified Sex, Love, & Relationship Coach. I have spent the last 15 years studying communication and relationships between people. I am fascinated by the human experience. Emotions are a great source of untapped power for most of us who have grown up in societies that value stoicism overexpression - and unfortunately, that has wreaked havoc on intimacy and our love lives. 


Working with me is like having a super fun auntie in your corner. Clients say that I somehow make deep healing fun. Like all great love stories, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll heal - and you will want to tell it again and again. 

How we'll go from just surviving to the best you've ever been...


A lot is going on, so we focus on clarity first.
You'll get crystal clear on the important stuff in your relationship, both as individuals and as a couple. Everything from your values to your triggers, to your feelings and what they mean about your relationship. Here is where we will eliminate all the guesswork and indecision.
You'll learn the following:

  • How to become experts on one another - learning how to have even the most stressful conversations with clarity, calm & confidence. 

  • How to stop wasting time on things that don't matter, talking in circles, and using band-aid compromises for bullet hole wounds.

Communication & Connection

The foundation for every AMAZING relationship. Here you will learn simple tools and practices that will give you a clear roadmap for navigating even the most challenging conversations. And it will leave you with a foundation so rock solid Mother Earth will be jealous.
You'll learn the following:

  • How to fight in a way that no one loses, and actually brings you closer. You will learn how to be vulnerable, in a way that builds trust and strengthens your bond.

  • How to talk about & work through feelings quickly and easily - without it turning into a fight or an all-night conversation. 

  • How to create a connection that feels more like a gravitational pull than a white knuckled death grip.

  • How to set and respect each other's boundaries so you can get back to cheering each other on and maintain your individuality without resentment or spite.

Deep Healing 

Built on this foundation, we go into the deep. The places of vulnerability, shadows, core wounds - all the stuff that keeps showing up when we fight but that we aren't talking about. Here you will learn what makes your partner tick and how to bring love and compassion to soothe them vs. unintentionally pouring gas on a fire. This is where you will become experts on each other.
You'll learn the following:

  • Why you both are the way you are & exactly how to meet each other's needs without being asked or told.

  • How to create a relationship where you become each other's shelter from the storms and stress of life. 

  • How to make each other feel valued, appreciated, and essential like the MVP of your team & that they're the only one in the world for you.

  • How to make your relationship feel as familiar and safe as the road home - when you know every turn, every curve, every bump, and every sign on the road. 


Sexual Intimacy

The last phase of our work together will teach you how to keep the spark alive for decades. We will challenge everything you know about sex: from initiating to desire to orgasms and everything in between. 

You'll learn the following:

  • How to have a sex life that gets better with time.

  • How to stop keeping score of who initiates more. 

  • How to have and hold a relationship that inspires you. That makes you believe in magic & wonder. That gives you the confidence to show up fully as yourself. 

What you get

besides a relationship that just keeps getting better & better...

  • Six months with me, we will meet three times a month for 90-minute 2:1 video sessions or 45 min individual sessions.

  • Custom practices, tools, and resources are assigned based on your unique learning styles and what works for you as a couple. 

  • The State of the Union™ workbook - will get you crystal clear, lightning-fast on how to show your partner love. 


Couples $9,999

Individuals $7,999

(Payment plans available)

Ready to experince the magic of your happily ever after?
Great, here are your next steps....

Next steps

1. Book A Call

You and your partner will book a discovery call with me to see if we're a good fit. During this call you will tell me what's going on in your relationship, and I'll tell you how I can help.

2. decide

If we all feel like it's a good fit, then I will send you some paperwork.

You will fill out your intake form. Choose your payment plan.  Sign the agreement.  Pay your deposit.


Celebrate! You and your partner on your way to Happily Ever After, and you can use your scheduling link to book your 1st coaching call!

As soon as you pay your deposit - you will get a link to schedule your first session.


Please keep in mind, this is deep work and I only work with 4 couples at a time. Once those 4 spots are filled. You will be directed to join a waitlist for the next opening. 

This is a very common question. If you have decided that you are ready to take action and improve your relationship - you should 100% do that. We cannot control what our partners do, nor can we wait for them to be ready. 


My recommendation is to begin when you feel called. There will still be incredible transformation with one of you doing the work and I have seen time and time again - where one partner's healing and growth becomes an invitation to the other to begin. 

There are no guarantees when it comes to life, but what I can promise you is that I will show up for both of you fully. Hold objective space. Bring clarity to murky waters. What you do with what you find is up to both of you.


Still wondering if this is right for you? The best way to find out is to book a discovery call. We will chat about your specific issues, and how I can help. If I don't think we're a great fit, or that I can help you - I won't make an offer. Instead, I will provide you with some referrals of professionals who are better suited to meet your specific needs.  

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