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Desired is for people who are done feeling more like roommates than lovers in their relationships. 

That’s right, we're putting sex back on the table, literally and figuratively.

Desired is for you if...

You remember how it used to be, when you couldn’t keep your hands off each other,  when sex was spontaneous, exciting and fun. But now, you just scroll next to each other in bed. 
You have told your partner you want things to be different, and they agree, but nothing is changing; you're still always the one initiating.

It feels like your relationship is mostly working, but when it comes to the bedroom things are stale, regular, transactional, routine…nonexistent

It seems like, all your conversations are about what you’re going to have for dinner or taking out the garbage; instead of your favorite positions or how you want to be spanked
It feels like there's part of you that is slowly dying inside - like you want to have more sex, but it’s just not happening like it used to, and you’re not even really sure how to bring it upagain. Because every time you have brought it up doesn't go well. 


You’re feeling a little disillusioned with lifetime love,  wondering, “Where do we go from here… this can’t be all there is?” And it feels like everything you have tried to rekindle the spark falls flat.

Feeling rejected, undesirable, or resentful because you are almost always the one initiating?


Wondering, "What happened to us?"  or "Do they even want me anymore?"


I get it, I've been there.

5 years into marriage I was…bored, unsatisfied, and frustrated by our lack of sex.

The days we're passing by and we felt more like good roommates than lovers. 


Don’t get me wrong I love my husband very much, but things had gotten… stale.


We were a great team when it came to managing the house, chores and raising our kid, but sex just kinda faded to the background. 


I felt like I wasn't turning him on like I used to, and started to think: SOMETHING'S WRONG. Is it me? Is it us? Does he even want me anymore?


I had a problem and I wanted him to fix it. Because that's what I learned - that it was my partner's job to make me feel wanted, desired, attractive. And sex was how he did that. So when we weren't having as much it felt like the train was coming off the tracks. 


And Now...

Our sex life is better then ever, and quite frankly so is our relationship. No more waiting, no more needing energy, no more complaining about sex. Now, we both initiate, and there is a relaxation, ease and spark in the bedroom again.


By understanding more about human “sex drive” and desire in long term relationships, as well as getting clear and comfortable with my desires - we were able to open to lines of communication and talk about our sex life in a way that didn’t leave either of us thinking something was wrong. 


I feel DESIRED daily, and I want to teach you how.  

Maybe for you it’s not just the sex,
The bottom line is you want to feel

You have tasted the life force energy of your erotic power. The radiance, the magnetism, the effortlessness, but so far, only in the presence of another. Only when someone else was giving you attention… That’s why the beginning of this relationship was so hot, and now that you’re in your routine, it all feels like a whole lot more grind…(with no bump, you feel me?!)

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6 video modules dedicated to the science behind sex drives, and desire in long term relationships

Weekly hour long group calls for live practices, sharing & digesting

One 1:1 session with Katie

Tools & practices you can do between sessions

Investment $1,111 (payment plans available)


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