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Coaching Containers

There is exquisite pleasure available to you right now.

It's time to experience it. 

Anchor 1

6 months/ $7,250

Payment plans available 

1:1 Coaching 

1:1 Coaching

There is pleasure all around you, it's time to experience it.


Be confident in your body, your choices and your power. Not constantly second guessing yourself wondering if you made the "right" choice.


Expand your capacity for pleasure. Soak in all the pleasure that is available to you every day. 

Know what you want, what you like and exactly how to ask for it.


Love your life, NOW… like today. Not waiting to be happy when you achieve the thing, meet the deadline, get the promotion, make the money.


Be fully and completely turned on by your life. 


Gain emotional power. That's true power from feeling your emotions not pushing them aside. 


Integrate your shadows. Make friends with the voices in your head. 


Understand your core wounds, be around your family in peace, untriggered and bothered.


Change your relationship to the sticky emotions, like jealousy, an unfortunate old friend that continues to rear its head - often uncontrollably.


Get off the emotional merry-go -round of repeating the same patterns over and over again.


Flourish in your long term relationship. Where it still feels like it did in the beginning. Instead of mentally "packing your bags" every time there is a fight, or shutting down because it feels like you are being suffocated.


Become intimate with yourself. 


Say yes to your pleasure. 


Uncover what you truly desire out of this life and how to let yourself have it. 


Be truly seen and known. To take the masks off. To live in your truest expression. Your peak pose.

Relationship Transformation
Image by Gemma Chua-Tran

Relationship Coaching

From lovers to roommates?
I help you find your way back. 

1:1 - 6 months /   $7,250

2:1 - 6 months /   $8,475

Payment plans available 


Have your relationship feel like it did in the beginning... only 10x better.

Have a sex life that seems to only get better with time!

Turn your relationship into a foundation where both of you are supported to becoming your peak expressions.

Create intimacy and safety in your relationship, while maintaining the allure and attraction.

Easily communicate your desires and feedback about your sex life to your partner. 

Be done with same old fights and heal old relationship patterns that keep resurfacing: jealousy, drama, etc.

Bring joy, fun, laughter and desire back into your relationship.

Learn connection, communication and intimacy tools that will continue to serve you long after our coaching container has closed. 

Explore your curiosities in both your relationship and your sex life. 

 Be on the same page with your partner. 

Know the fullest and deepest expression of your relationship

Explore sacred sexuality - cultivating one of the deepest bonds known to humanity.



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Group Programs

Coming soon! Stay Tuned

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