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About Me

Happiness lives here.


I help people find happiness, pleasure and power in their lives.  

About me

The truth is that your body is capable of experiencing exquisite pleasure, and I don't know about you, but when it comes time to give this body back it would be a damn shame if we didn't experience it all. 


I used to say, "I'll be happy when (fill in the blank with the next milestone). Except the milestones and achievements would come, but by the time I got there it seemed my happiness had moved on to the next.


Sure, I was motivated to keep achieving, but it felt hollow. It was like happiness is always on the horizon - never here. While I was "successful," I felt lacking and unfulfilled. When was it ever going to be enough? When was it going to be great? 


This may come as a surprise, but the answer can be now... 


Hi, I am Katie Kozel, I am a Tantrika, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and sex, love and relationship coach. I have spent the last two years of my life studying with the Tantric Institute of Sacred Sexuality; exploring all things happiness, joy, sex, love and relationships. 

Live in the pleasure all around you...  

How the hell do we do that? The process I take clients through includes somatic experiencing, breathwork, embodiment practices. I work with both the mind and the body. We dive into the felt-sense, revealing patterns and imprints held deep within your body. During our work together you will gain clarity on your desires, blockages and how to work through them.

I help people reclaim their sexual narrative by healing shame and becoming whole. 

Rclaim your narrative

Did you grow up in the in a household where "The Talk" was essentially, "Don't have sex, or else" or "Save yourself for marriage"? Were you filled with questions about sex and pleasure but never really got them answered?  And now you're an adult,  still curious, but with a side order of shame.  Your not alone. I can't tell you the number of conversations I've had where the ladies lean in, tell me their stories and whisper their questions. Don't worry, I got you. Think of me as your secret weapon against sexual shame. I want to talk to you about all the stuff you feel like you can't say anywhere else. 

You can have the relationship of your dreams.  

Picture two people laying in bed, backs to each other. Secretly wishing the other would just reach over and touch them. But they won't. This is how it always goes. Patterns run deep, and I got you. You want to be seen and heard in your relationship. You want to heal things without them always becoming a fight. You want your relationship to be a rock solid foundation that you both grow from. You want to know this person has your back hell or high water. 

Relationships are my jam. I love sitting with people, talking about attachment styles, patterns, healing old wounds, getting your core needs met. There's a lot there, let's unpack!  

Interested to learn more?

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